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You have the 5 speed manual gear box. Don’t tell me, the gear change is stiff right? Time to remove the selector mechanism and get it fixed.

Disconnect both battery terminals, earth 1st.

Go down between the battery and the air intake and remove the single bolt that you find. It secures the battery clamp to the car. With the bolt and the bracket out you can then remove the battery to reveal the battery tray. (unexpected huh!).

Use a 7mm socket to loosen the hose clamp and then disconnect the hose from the air box.

Flip up the air box latches and remove the airbox lid. It’s not totally necessary but gives a little more room.

Disconnect the other end of the air inlet pipe from the front of the car by removing the clip that goes into the slam panel.

The battery tray is held down with 3x 13mm bolts, remove them. 2 are obvious. The 3rd is in the small square far left of the photo below.

You may have to clean out some debris to see or reach some of these bolts.

Lift the battery tray out of the engine bay. You now have access to the gear change selector. There are 2 control cables coming from it. They are a ball and socket so just pop them both off with a levering tool or a trim tool.

The selector mechanism is held to the gear box with 3 bolts. Spray them with penetrating lubricant and remove them.

Pull the selector out of the gearbox with a little wiggle, paying medium attention to the direction everything was facing. This will make things a bit easier later on during refitting.

Inside the hole is very interesting. Stuff.

I don’t want to get too technical for you but the crinkly part below goes against the roll-on deodorant looking thing on the left in the photo above. (It’s the detent for the forward, middle and back gear stick positions).
The sticky out thing below faces towards the back of the car. As the selector rotates, it pushes 1 of the 3 sliders at the top of the above photo. Depending on the height and direction of rotation, it selects 1 of the 6 gears.

Now it’s out, you can fix the stiff gear change issue as shown here.
Thanks to Eugene G for sending the photos in. I don’t own a 454 forfour but wanted to be able to show the removal and repair of this common fault. I supplied him the data and he supplied all of us with the photos required.