Mod Details
PremiumYes Difficulty

Front Wheel Grinding?
If you are hearing a grinding, clicking or graunching noise, your bearing has probably failed.
Special Tools
You will need a:
Hydraulic press (this is the one I bought but you can buy much cheaper ones).
Circlip pliers.
36mm 12 point socket.
Replacing The Bearing
Remove the wheel and the hub from the car.

Remove the Torx30 screw holding the wheel speed sensor in position. Remove the sensor.

Flip it over and look at the back of the hub.

Lever off the cover.

This reveals the bearing hub nut. The nut has 2 areas pushed in to stop it from loosening.

Jam a screwdriver in and lever the peened over areas of the nut out of the way.

Now you’ll need a 36mm 12point socket.

Use it to remove the nut. I put 2 wheel bolts into the hub and clamped them into a vice to stop the hub spinning as you remove the nut.

Bad news, you need a hydraulic press. Level up the hub so it’s straight in the press with enough room for the hub to drop out when pressed from the top.

After a few pumps, the hub axle dropped out. Now you can see why it was making a noise. It was unsealed. You shouldn’t be able to see the ball bearings. Part of the inner race is still stuck on the hub shaft. We’ll get back to that if the same happens to yours.

Notice the circlip?
Extra Parts
Mine bearing didn’t come with a new spacer washer or circlip but it did come with a new nut and this weird thing. I didn’t use it. It went in the bin.

Bearing Kit
Meyle. SKF, Febi Bilstein, Moog.
I used Meyle bearings and they have been fine for the last 3 years.