Boost gauges are a nice extra but where do you put them so they fit in with everything else?
Dipstick Tube Replace
If your car is an older smart fortwo or roadster, and you have some oil usage problems, it might not be a bad idea to check for leaks, one possibility is the dipstick tube seal.
Drive Belt Information

Obviously the best option is to go to a smart dealer to buy your drive belts but I know some of you hate your own sanity so buy crappy generic aftermarket parts from random parts shops. The chance of buying exactly the correct length aftermarket belt is unlikely since...
Dump Valve Fitting
Fitting a DV is a relatively easy process, depending on the type, it will replace 1 of 2 parts. Thanks to Shadow for the extra photos.
Dump Valve Types
Dump Valves (DV’s, BOV’s) Everything you need to know about the dump valve.
Ein DV Kaufen
So you want to buy a DV from Wiltec in Germany but your German is on par with your Icelandic and your Urdu? Follow the info below.
Electric Superchargers

Electric fan that sits in the air inlet pipe and increases performance by pushing air into the engine
Engine Reconditioning Info

The suprex engine isn't as robust as people hoped so reconditioning is now commonplace
Excessive Oil Use

When smart engines get old they start using more and more oil but age isn't the only problem.
Fit A Boost Gauge
Fit an aftermarket boost gauge to your smart!
Fit A Cycle Valve
The older, lower powered smarts had a mechanical boost controller instead of the electronic boost controller in the 61bhp models. Fitting this part is cheap and quite easy.
Flashing Yellow Triangle

Sometimes you get the traction control light flashing on the speedo, what does that mean?
Forfour Auto Gear Fault
No Gears The fault affects the semi auto version of the 454 Forfour This fault is becoming more and more wide spread. Not being a Forfour owner myself, I had no dealings with it but the fault is very similar to a fault on the 451. Ozzy site reader Chris had issues...
Forfour Belt Tensioning
How to adjust the belt tension via the alternator.
Forfour Earth Upgrade
Very popular with Ricers. Upgrading the engine earth can release more power and torque from your engine, make your stereo sound better and increase your MPG.
Forfour Engine Cover
If you want to get to the tasty parts of the forfour engine you’ll have to take off the cover.
Forfour Throttle Body Clean
The throttle valve actuator (TVA or throttle body) is a weak point for the Forfour, let's fix it.
Fuel Pressure Regulator FPR
The smart runs a 3.8 bar fuel pressure regulator, the injectors can handle more so lets up it a touch and see what happens by adding a Bosch 0280 160 575 4 bar FPR. Bought to our attention in August of 2006 by Christos Kolovos (CKA) on the Maniacs forum.
Fuel Pump Failure

This page covers all ICE cars. It's more generic help and some parts may not relate directly to certain models but it'll give you an idea of where to look and what to try. My Fuel Pump Stopped Working The knee-jerk reaction is to just think that the fuel pump has...
Fuel Saver Magnets

For years now, sites and ebay sellers have enthused about the usefulness and efficiency of their fuel magnets. They often retail for big money plus postage and packing. Time to check them out.