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Story Time
I drive down the A13 into London every night. There’s a section between the M25 and Ford’s car plant that has nothing but flat fields on each side. At times, the side winds along that stretch are incredibly dangerous. I have been suddenly blown over 2 lanes and towards the central barrier, 2 wheels on the grass and I swear if the paint had been thicker, I would have scraped the barrier. It was such a scary near miss that I slowed down to about 20mph for the rest of that section of road. Then the fix occurred to me and the next time it was windy AF, I deployed the new anti side wind tactic and it was like driving in normal weather.
Side Winds
Driving in high winds in a normal car is no fun but not a major issue. Doing the same in a fortwo can be a near death experience and isn’t ideal for the state of your sphincter.
The short wheelbase, the low weight, the narrow tyres and the high flat sides means that the car acts like a sail. If the wind is continuous, you can sort of get used to it. The big issues begin when the wind is blustery (not continuous). If you have a wide road to yourself, it doesn’t matter if you get blown into different lanes but if there are other vehicles on the road, you could get blown off course, especially if passing a lorry.
Instead of a white knuckle ride filled with screaming, gnashing of teeth and possible fiery vehicular death, there is a quick and simple fix that immediately makes your car drive normally, like there is no side wind affecting the car at all. You can perform this trick whilst driving and it costs nothing.
What You Need
You really only need 1 thing. A single finger but on the 452 and 453 you can double the speed of the fix using 2 fingers.
Performing The Fix
There are a pair of switches in all fortwos that can be pressed and held down. This is what they look like on the 451.

Is That It?
Yeah. Rolling the windows down allows the side winds to pass through the car where they’d normally push against the top side of the car.
Isn’t That Uncomfortable?
Yes but far less comfortable than dying in a fireball wedged in the central reservation or upside down in a ditch after pinballing off of 2 other vehicles.
But It’s Windy And Cold
Grow up.
Be prepared. It doesn’t suddenly get windy so you have fair warning. You should have a warm jacket in the car anyway and consider getting some goggles so your eyes aren’t sand blasted. You don’t have to get the old school leather driving goggles you know, there are newer alternatives. Maybe get a snood or scarf to cover your mouth so your face doesn’t get cold and you can still breathe properly.

What If It’s Raining?

You get wet. Still better than serious injury and a hefty insurance claim.