Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty

Once you’ve removed the cylinder head, you’ll notice the main chain guide comes with it and is captive within the head. Since you are this far into the engine, you may as well fit new guides, tensioner and chains.
To remove the main chain guide, you need to remove this pin.

For that, you can either use a stud puller or a slide hammer. I had the latter.

You get different tools that thread into the head like different threads and a hook. Luckily the straight thread was perfect.

Screw it in and…

If you look into the cylinder head, you’ll see another pin. This doesn’t have to be removed if you don’t want to.

The pin sits in the top of the 2nd chain guide, In this channel.

When you have the timing chain cover off, this guide just slides sideways off the pin.

The timing chain can be removed from the engine.