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The Roadster doesn’t suffer that badly with corrosion as the thread is hidden underneath the body. However, there are arseholes out there who like to damage Roadsters.
Unscrew the aerial. Remove the front panels to reveal the aerial base.

Unscrew the cable (anticlockwise).

Look at the base, there are 2x 10mm nuts. Remove them both.

The base is now free to remove from the car.

Now is a good time to fit a new rubber base grommet.

It just pulls out. Getting a new one back in is a pain but keep prodding and pushing.

Before reconnecting the cable or the aerial, clean up the threads with a wire brush and apply copper grease to the threads
If you need to replace any parts, here are the smart part numbers.
Aerial – 0009691V004000000
Base – 0016054V001000000
Rubber Grommet – 0013787V003000000 (no longer available)
Rubber Grommet No Longer Available
Smart discontinued the rubber grommet. The problem is that people are noticing that their original rubber grommet is disintegrating so there’s a big requirement for new replacements. Needless to say that 3 things happened.
1 – A “money orientated” person who doesn’t care about the owners bought up the remaining stock and started selling them for a 1000% mark up.
2 – A few people started 3D printing really shit copies of the original and started selling them for way more than they are worth.
3a – Someone gets a brand new one and has a company start reproducing exact copies and sell them for a sensible price.
3b – Someone finds an alternative product from another car that’s easily available for cheap.
3a – that was going to be me but I couldn’t find a new one to send away to be copied, mainly because of the person mentioned in point 1.
Thankfully 3b is now an option thanks to Jakub Szyndlar. You can read all about the new replacement here.