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Remove the rear panels, this can be found here. Remove the crash bar using a Torx 45 screwdriver.

There are 2 nuts holding the exhaust to the turbo. These can be removed with a 13mm or 1/2″ socket. It is a wise idea to spray these with penetrating oil over the preceding few days to help loosen the nuts.

Due to the access, it helps to have thin extension bars and a universal joint.

This is the Roadster exhaust lambda sensor. Spray it liberally with penetrating oil (no, not WD40).

The connector is the left one of the 2. Disconnect it so the wires don’t twist as you unscrew the sensor next.

Ideally you’ll use a proper lambda sensor removal tool, it’s a 22mm slotted socket…

…that allows the wiring loom to poke out the side, out of the way.

You can also use a 22mm ring spanner. Don’t use standard open spanners. They slip.
Roadster Exhaust Weight
This is the weight in position.

It’s just a hard rubber block with a pointless metal bracket.

The smart part number was 0018938V001000000 but I doubt these are available any more.
You will probably have to make your own. It weighs 420g (14.8 oz).