Mod Description
The Smart original oil filter is rubbish, what can you do about it?Mod Details
PremiumYes Difficulty

Part Information
This adapter is available from Think Auto or SmartMods.
Part number FC8741 (M20 thread)
Part number FC874U (3/4″ UNF thread)
Phone number 0208 2323525.
Including VAT and delivery to the UK it’s going to cost about £70 for the Mocal and £65 for the copy (prices change).
There is an all plastic version being sold through some suppliers. It’s all black so easy to recognise. Do not buy this type under any circumstances. There have been cases of the thread that holds the oil filter to the adapter actually cracking and the oil filter coming off. It happened to me and destroyed the engine.
If you see the plastic one for sale, please let me know.
M20 or 3/4″ UNF
There are two options on this adapter, There was an M20 threaded version and a 3/4″ UNF threaded version. Metric threads are more likely to be found on filters for Japanese cars, Peugeot and Renault. 3/4″ UNF tend to be found on Fiat, Ford and Rover.
Thanks to Bernardo for confirming that Mocal still sell both types.
SmartMods – Click to buy online (M20 version)
Thinkauto – Click to buy online (M20 version)
Chalky version – Click to buy online (M20 or 3/4″ UNF version)
The oil filter you get on your smart from new is just a paper filter much like the standard air filter. In my opinion this filter is not up to the job, especially on a turbo assisted engine.

This hunk of aluminium (shown in the middle) screws in place of the original cover allowing you to use a normal screw on canister filter as used on most other cars.
Not only do they filter out smaller particles they also feature an anti-drain back valve and a bypass valve. Plus you can buy them from Halfords etc.
These features stop all the oil draining back into the sump when the engine is turned off and should the filter become totally full of particulates it will not starve the engine of oil through lack of flow.