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It’s taken many years but I finally got over hearing my own voice on video and being in front of the camera. I have now listened to myself talking for so long, it just sounds like my brother instead of me. After watching loads of car YouTube channels, I realised that none of them are particularly polished and are more information than entertainment. This website is for information so the YouTube videos will mainly be for entertainment.
It’ll take me time to get the hang of it and get into the swing of things. I’m just getting the basic stuff right first, then I’ll start trying to add the silly humour that litters the pages of this website. I have ideas that’ll slowly get added including getting well known people to say “” and see if anyone can guess who it is.
I plan to say things incorrectly on occasion to annoy people and to make people think I don’t know popular sayings. I do it in real life, mainly to amuse myself really.
Video Timeline
Day 1 – the video will be posted to my Patreon page – click.
1 Week Later – the video will be posted on this page for subscribers to view.
2 Weeks Later – the video will be made public for anyone to view on YouTube for free.
I will try to post a video every 2 or 3 weeks depending on the project at hand.
This is a website that allows videos to be posted to people who support the creator. It starts from only £1 a month.
I don’t think I need to explain what YouTube is but I have had a YouTube channel for a long time. It was mainly for short videos that I could embed on pages on the evilution website and other random shit. This page will now also be where I upload the videos. I’m not bothered if you “like” the videos as I’m not convinced it does anything, however, I’d appreciate it if you subscribed to the channel.
Video Project Ideas
Straight away I have 12 project ideas. Some are just stupid, some are easy and 1 is probably impossible. I am limited by skill, space, money and enthusiasm. I can tell you now that I will NEVER make a motorbike engine’d smart car.
The Actual Videos
Fixing a crashed 453 EQ – Day 1 (this sensible numbering system goes out the window quick!).
Public Videos
2021 EQ Damage Rebuild
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 3
Day 3.5
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5.5
Subscriber Videos