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How to get the holy grail of snow foam without spending loads.Mod Details
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Snow Foam Done Well
Snow foam is one of those cleaning steps that is hard to create well unless you spend big money. Normally you need a pressure washer, a snow foam lance and a water source near your car.
A good snow foam lance costs in excess of £50 and you still need to attach it to a good pressure washer.
For snow foam to work well, it has to be able to cling to the car body, even vertical surfaces. If your snow foam drips off too quickly, it doesn’t have time to soften and loosen the dirt. Look at the photo below. That’s a black panel. The foam is stationary, it’s not going anywhere. I have never seen foam as good as this, even from people with expensive kit.

Amazingly, the above effort was achieved with a £22 hand held spray gun. No other hardware is needed.
Mark from Attention To Detail recommended that I try a Mesto 1.5L Foamer. I’m not the sort of person who bothers to clean his cars so he knew that this simple solution would work best for me.
I already had some Autosmart Ultra Mousse snow foam fluid from my previous failed attempt at good snow foam.

Throw in a bit of the snow foam fluid and fill it up to the 1.5 litre mark, screw the top on and pump it up.

The trick to a good output is to keep the pressure up, this is easier when the water level goes down. This is because there is more room for pressurised air. If you have good pressure, you get these results.

The instructions say to spray from too far away in my opinion. 10 inches worked better for me. If the pressure starts to dip, the foam will start to run as can be seen on the lower rear panel.

So, keep the pressure built up by regularly pumping the bottle up. This cabrio took about 1.2 litres of fluid to cover with a thick layer and several passes. If you are cleaning a coupe roof too, you’ll use a little bit more.
Then What?
Leave it to soak into the dirt that has built up on the car. After 10 minutes, this foam was still on the car. I took a microfibre noodle mitt and agitated the foam all over the car. This lifts all the dirt off the panels and keeps it suspended in the foam. You can hose the car down or refill the Mesto with clean water.
Rinsing the car off with the Mesto takes a while and probably 3 fill ups.
Double Bonus
Not only does this set up only cost about £30 including foam fluid, you don’t have to get out your pressure washer and set it up, drag it around the car and then put it all away. Not to mention that this foamer is small.
Plus it’s a lot quieter than a pressure washer so you might not attract those dickhead neighbours who will religiously
say “you can do mine afterwards if you want” when they see someone cleaning a car, like it’s fucking funny.
Where Can I Buy One?
C’mon, you know how the internet works, search eBay or Google for Mesto Foamer and you’ll find something. They also sell a larger version but it’s far too expensive and too big for what we need it for.