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453 R-Link Touchscreen Pinout

Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID1342 Creditevilution For453 EQ453 Fortwo/Forfour Link Copy to Clipboard

Smart Media Stereo Connections Overview

The touchscreen unit is designated A40/3 by smart.

Connector AA

Pin Number Wire Colour Function
1 Grey/White CAN Bus High
2 Brown/White CAN Bus Low
3 Yellow Microphone +
4 Red Microphone Signal
5 Pink/White Navigation On/Off
6 Red Power
7 Black Ground
8 Red Screen Audio Left +
9 Yellow Screen Audio Right +
10 Brown Screen Audio –
11 Black Screen Audio Shielding
12 Green/White Speed Signal Pulse
13 Yellow Navigation Voice +
14 Red Navigation Voice –
15 Black Navigation Voice Shielding
16 Black Microphone Shielding
18 Red/White Reverse Camera Video Signal
19 Yellow/White Reverse Camera –
20 Brown/White Reverse Camera +
21 Grey Reverse Camera Shielding

Connector AB

USB and SD card card reader unit

Connector AC

Connects to the radio unit

Connector AD

Telematics Unit

Connector AE

Blue FAKRA C GPS Antenna Connector

Connector AB, AC & AD Further Information

Interestingly, despite the bespoke look of these connectors, they are just USB mini B leads with keyed housings. You can get almost any USB mini B lead and use a knife to trim the lead housing rubber to suit.

453 Radio Unit

The R-Link touch screen connects to a box that does all of the work like radio modulation. It’s screwed behind the dashboard just behind the touchscreen. The pin out connections for this unit can be found here.

What Is A Telematics Unit?

You do know that Google searches exist right? You could just search it.

Wikipedia article.


Thanks to Askold from GoSmart for the corrections