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for all your modding needs, recommended by Evilution

453 Lambda Sensors

Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID1671 Creditevilution For453 Fortwo/Forfour Link Copy to Clipboard

Non Turbo B90

Position Number Of Wires Bandwidth Part Number
Upstream (manifold) 5 Wideband A453 542 05 00
DownStream (catalytic convertor) 4 Narrowband A453 542 06 00

Turbo B91

Position Number Of Wires Bandwidth Part Number
Upstream (turbo) 5 Wideband A453 542 05 00 or A0095426218
DownStream (catalytic convertor) 4 Narrowband A453 542 06 00 or A0085423918

This data is scraped from smart so do your own research as smarts information seems confusing. I don’t understand why the turbo and non turbo engines share the same part numbers for the sensors but the turbo version also has a different number.