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Unlike all other smart models, Smart (and by that I mean Renault) decided to stick the external temperature sensor in the offside mirror.

There it is, the little plastic nipple.

Adjust the mirror all of the way in…

…so you have enough room to get your fingers behind the mirror. Don’t pull the mirror from the edge, try and reach behind the mirror to pull it off. It should unclip fairly easily.

See the 2 blue wires, they go to the temperature sensor.

It’s held in with a single Torx 10 screw. Remove it.

The sensor can now be pulled out, however…

…the main issue is that the wiring runs through the mirror and into the door.

That’s a lot of unnecessary messing about. I would recommend cutting the old sensor off, stripping back the wires, cutting the wires back for the replacement and splicing the new sensor onto the existing wires. Solder the connectors and use glue lined heat shrink to stop water ingress. You could add a connector if you wanted to but this sensor is unlikely to fail often enough to make it worth the effort.