Mod Description
If your smart didn't come with an MP3 lead, you should consider buying one.Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty

Suitable For The Following Smarts
Smart 451 (late 2007 onwards) only.
If you want a lead for the old style fortwo or Roadster then click here. We were the first to create custom leads for the old and the new fortwo.

This is the lead that works with the new style of smart fortwo.

Click on the banner below if you wish to buy a lead.
Fitting The MP3 Lead
Remove the stereo using the guide found here. Plug the yellow connector into the back of the stereo as shown below.

Thread the other end of the lead through the large hole highlight below.

Refit the stereo and route the lead to your desired location. Press SRC until you get AUX appearing on the screen.

Press play on your MP3 player and adjust the stereo volume to suit.
eBay MP3 Leads
If you want cheap tat then take the chance on the myriad of knock offs floating around on Ebay. Remember that I was the first to custom make these leads, they are all tested before delivery. I get countless emails from people who have bought from Italy, China, Japan and
even respected sellers on auction sites. So many of these other leads just don’t work, many are Blaupunkt leads that are sold because they believe they will work. Unfortunately, they don’t. Then it costs you money to return it.
If you want the best MP3 lead available for the smart, don’t look any further than the link above. Other companies have been copying my designs, lead type, using the word ‘premium’ and even using the word ‘evilution’ to try and sell their leads on eBay. My design is always one step ahead.
By the time they learn of the upgrade to my leads and start copying them, I have added a new upgrade.