Mod Description
In case you need to spin the wheels to get you out of snow and ice or if you are running your car on a dyno, you need to disable the ESP system.Mod Details
PremiumYes Difficulty

Remember where you read this first as I’m sure it will soon feature on other sites.
Why Do This Mod?
Because there are times when the ESP doesn’t know best. Apart from clowning around in empty snow filled car parks, there are sensible reasons as to why turning the ESP off would help. Here is the one that I discovered.

My drive was only on a slight slope but it took 10 minutes to get up it into the garage. As soon as the wheels slipped, the ESP cut the power, you need the wheel spin to eat through the snow and ice to reach the road below it.
It is very important that you realise that following this guide will also turn off ABS. It is purely intended for getting out of snow and ice or running on a dyno. Of course, having a little play in an empty snowy car park is ok.
It is not recommended for every day driving. The safety systems are there to help you. This page shows you 2 ways to turn the ESP off.