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The 45bhp diesel turbo and the 54bhp diesel turbo is the same unit. The only difference is the way that the wastegate is controlled. The 45bhp wastegate is boost controlled and the 54bhp wastegate is vacuum controlled.
Once you’ve removed the rear panels, crash bar and exhaust, you’ll have fairly good access to the turbo. You can see the 7x 12mm nuts that hold it to the engine block.

Do yourself a favour and pre-soak these in penetrating oil (no, not WD40). The more you do this and longer you leave it, the less chance you’ll have issues removing the nuts. 1 of 3 things will happen.
1 – The nut will come off.
2 – The nut will stick and the stud will unwind.
3 – The nut will stick and the stud will snap.

Look on top of the turbo for the oil inlet pipe. Remove the banjo bolt with a 14mm socket. Again, penetrating oil and go slow.