Mod Details
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Did you know that a net was available for the pointless removable alcove in the boot?

It was available from smart along with a boot floor net. See 150 below. The smart part number was A451 814 00 07.

This is the part we are fitting. It’s fairly basic, you may be able to make one. Or just ask on the forums for anyone scrapping a car.

The net goes over this side panel that was previously pointless.

Lay it on top…

…and flip everything over.

You need to bring the metal frame around the plastic cover.

Continue all the way around…

…making sure to go over the clips too.

Once you have the metal frame folded around you can clip it into the channel clips.

There are 2 clips on each end and 6 clips along the bottom.

Once the frame is clipped in, turn the cover over and admire your handiwork.

Fit it to the car and then over-fill it with all the crap that normally rolls around in the boot.