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450 External Door Handle Cable Removal

Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID1848 Creditevilution For450 Fortwo Link Copy to Clipboard

Remove the Torx30 screw.

Lift rubber seal and at the same time wriggle the handle towards the back of the car (about 1/2 cm) then pull outwards.

Push the lever towards the front of the car with the white stopper on. Slide back lift off the outer black cable from its housing. Slide off the inner cable from the lever.

OK, you have the handle off so now it’s time to remove the cable.

Flip it over, pull the handle and you’ll see the cable capture point.

Pull/lever the old cable end out.

Look down the top of the white clip. Unhook it…

…and slide the cable mount off of the handle mechanism.

Most people having this problem will have a cable looking like this. Snapped at 1 end.

Get your replacement cable or make a new one as seen here.