Mod Description
Although it seems like a task from hell it's actually a fairly simple process.Mod Details
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Dashboard removal is fairly simple but a little time consuming. Replacing the dashboard can be tricky but this page explains a simple way to do it. Dashboard removal is necessary for adding the under dash bass boxes with upgraded speakers and sorting out heater cables amongst other things.The dashboard is actually only held on by 1 bolt and 1 screw, the time consuming part is taking off the speedo housing and the centre console so the dash can slide out.
Remove The 450 Dashboard
First lets start by removing the stereo, the ‘how to’ can be found here.
Centre Console
Remove the centre console surround, click here.
Remove the speedo following this guide here.
Remove the Torx10 screw just right of the steering column.

If you can’t quite get it, you’ll have to remove the lower steering column cowl.

Pull out the passenger’s side air ball.