Ever get to your Roadster with your arms full of shopping only to have to put it down, unlock the car, open the glove box, pull the bonnet release, clamber back out and finally open the bonnet… it soon becomes tedious.
Kane Harrison
Roadster Rocker Cover Removal
Remove the spark plugs and air inlet manifold to reveal the crusty and corroded rocker cover. Use an E10 socket to remove the 6 bolts holding it down. One of this bolts also holds the oil dip stick tube in position. Pull off the large rubber breather hose from the TIK...
Roadster Roof Drain Spout
Another remedial to stop leaks in the Roadster
Roadster Roof Motor Fix
Open the roof slightly, this takes the pressure off of the drive cables. Find the motor. Look in the boot, lift the carpet up just behind the flap. This is the motor you are looking for, the Roadster only came with the 1. Disconnect the electrical connector and remove...
Roadster Roof Motor Removal
If you can, open the roof slightly. This relieves the pressure through the cables on the motor. If you don't/can't, the motor will be very tight and difficult to remove. Open the boot and look towards the carpet that is behind the raised black plastic flap. Pull the...
Roadster Roof Not Opening Or Closing
If your Roadster roof gets stuck as it closes, have a look at the folds.
Roadster Roof Override
The 450 fortwo had a way to manually open and close the roof using a pair of metal cranks that you got with the car, unfortunately on the Roadster, this wasn't the case.The electrics in the Roadster are temperamental at the best of times so how do you force the roof...
Roadster Roof Repair
In 2003, a video was made by smart. It was intended for use by the smart technicians so they could change the sliders on the Roadster roof. Unfortunately the original video disappeared, not a major loss as it was informative but the resolution is shit at 320x240. I...
Roadster Roof Straighten
Sometimes, the roof goes wrong. Usually it's because a roof component has broken or jammed. Whilst it's on the piss like this, there is no way to close it. We need to straighten it up first. Open the boot and lift up the carpet in front of the boot flap. Underneath is...
Roadster Roof Wiring
E = Earth
C4/8 = Connection plug 4, pin 8
Fuse* or F* = Direct connection fuse number
Black Yellow = Wire colour
Modules are labeled in the picture.
Roadster Sagging Doors
The door hinges on the Roadster allow the door to sag over the years and allow water in
Roadster SAM Unit Pin Out
All the inputs and outputs of the SAM unit
Roadster SAM Unit Wiring
E = Earth
C4/8 = Connection plug 4, pin 8
Fuse* or F* = Direct connection fuse number
Black Yellow = Wire colour
Modules are labeled in the picture.
Roadster Scuttle Tray Leak
This is the leak that causes the most trouble. Not just wet carpets and a bad smell, this can destroy the electrical system.
Roadster SE Drive Cover
Pop the clip out from the back of the cover. It doesn't take much for it to come out. Underneath the handbrake is a disc... ...lever it out to access the small Torx 10 screw. Remove the screw. Remove the gear knob by pulling it straight up without pushing the button....
Roadster SE Drive Pin Out
The SE Drive is the unit that contains the gear stick, ignition and all the other electrical magic. Let's have a look at it and discover how it works and what makes the semi auto different to the full auto.
Roadster Self Centring Steering
Problem Some people complain about the numb steering feel and the poor self centring of the steering wheel on a smart Roadster equipped with power steering. Personally I've never experienced this. The 2 Roadsters I had felt very direct in the steering and the wheel...
Roadster Service Schedule
How often does a smart Roadster need to be serviced?
Roadster Side Skirt Removal
This is the standard non Brabus side skirt. It's more of a finishing panel. Grab the bottom of the skirt and pull it down all the way along to disconnect the 6 clips. The pull the top of the skirt sideways all the way along to disconnect the fixings. Too easy. These...
Roadster Soft Top Retrofit
If you just have a hard top and either want a soft top or the option of both, you're going to have to fit the soft top. Here is the soft top assembly. Thankfully it's a self contained unit just waiting to be bolted into the car. You will also need the 2 removable side...