If you are fitting a Brabus or similar style of exhaust to your Roadster, you will need a new valance.
Kane Harrison
Roadster Exterior Handle Cable
Door handle cables snap due to poor maintenance or general wear and tear. Here is how to change them.
Roadster Exterior Handle Removal
How to remove the exterior handle on a Roadster. The 1st step in changing a snapped cable.
Roadster Exterior Water Channels
A crazy idea for stopping water ingress.
Roadster External Temperature Sensor
The external temperature sensor is hidden behind the nearside rear air vent in the rear arch panel. So, to get to it, you ideally need to remove the rear panels. However, you can remove many of the fixings on that side and pull the arch sideways enough to reach in,...
Roadster Fires
Orange Roadsters look good but only when it's paint. Fire doesn't look very good at all on a Roadster.
Roadster Floppy Wing Mirrors
This Page Covers... Floppy mirror hinges. Floppy mirror adjusters. Floppy Mirror Hinges The wing mirrors should sit in a certain position but should fold if forced. However, some people reported that their mirrors just flap about and don't lock. Disassemble the mirror...
Roadster Fog Light Wiring
Key: E = Earth C4/8 = Connection plug 4, pin 8 Fuse* or F* = Direct connection fuse number Black Yellow = Wire colour Modules are labeled in the picture.
Roadster Front Bearings
Replace The Front Wheel Bearings Parts Required: Stretch hub bolt - 0001906V005000000 - 1 per side. Front bearing hub - 0001870V02300000 - 1 per side. Fitting Remove the brake disc and brake calliper. Remove the centre cap to reveal the centre bolt. There isn't much...
Roadster Front Bulb Change
A bit tricky but you had better learn to do it.
Roadster Front Bumper Removal
How to remove the front panel set from the Roadster.
Roadster Fuel Filler Neck Seal
Rubber doesn't last for ever, especially not when it comes into contact with petrol on a regular basis. You may have noticed the filler neck rubber on your Roadster beginning to crack or split. This is now an MOT fail in the UK so it must be replaced. It stops fuel...
Roadster Fuel Filter
Where the fuel filter is on a Roadster and how to change it.
Roadster Fuel Flap Solenoid
The fuel flap solenoid is a motor that pushes a bar which locks the fuel filler flap. To access it, remove the rear panels and you'll see it just left of the filler flap. Disconnect the electrical connector on the left hand side. Underneath the solenoid is a Torx E8...
Roadster Fuel Injector Removal
Warning Fuel injectors are connected to fuel pipes. Fuel can set you on fire and make your day miserable. No smoking, lighting farts or juggling flaming batons whilst you are doing this. It is important that you do NOT have the keys in the car. If the ignition gets...
Roadster Fuel Pump Change
How to remove and replace the Roadster fuel pump
Roadster Fuel Tank Removal
It's a very good idea to have little to no fuel in the tank otherwise it'll be heavy and potentially explody. Remove the engine. Behind the engine is a heat shield (good idea huh!). Remove the fuel cap. Remove the top two E10 bolts. Then remove the lower two E10...
Roadster Fuse Layout
Fuse 32, 33, 34 and 35 are on the top of the fuse box. You have to lower the fuse box to access these. No Amp. Colour 1 Starter 25 A Neutral 2 Windscreen wipers, washer pump 20 A Yellow 3 Heater blower, seat heater 20 A Yellow 4 Power windows, l. & r. 30 A Green 5...
Roadster Gear Change Motor Testing
Testing an item off of the car can prove if it is working or not.
Bench testing allows you to narrow down your searches if something is faulty as it allows the individual testing of complicated items.
Roadster Gearbox Fluid Change
Although smart say this is a non servicable item, it would be foolish to use the same oil year in, year out. I recommended you change it every 3rd service. People have found the gearchange is much improved after doing this.