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for all your modding needs, recommended by Evilution

Kane Harrison

Normal Mod 450 Door Handle Cable Repair450 Fortwo

Due to lack of good and regular maintenance, the 450 door exterior cable tend to snap. The problem here is that the cable is not available from smart. You have to buy a whole new handle. Or you could buy a 2nd hand handle from eBay and hope the cable is OK.I was...

Premium Mod 450 Door Speaker Pockets450 Fortwo

The standard speaker setup is rubbish, the upgrade is better but the sound all comes from the front, it needs spreading out.

Normal Mod 450 Driveshaft Seals450 Fortwo

Do you have oil on the ends of the driveshaft where they enter the transmission? If you do, there is good possibilty that the seals are not doing their job properly and need replacing.

Normal Mod 450 Drop Link Removal450 Fortwo

The drop link connects at both ends. One end to the anti-roll bar, the other to the wishbone. The anti-roll bar connection is generally not a problem as it can be held with a spanner (46Nm on refitting). The big problem is at the other end. The position of the fixing...

Normal Mod 450 ECU Pin Out450 Fortwo452 Roadster

The ECU (or MEG) controls all of the engine parameters ensuring that it is running as best as it possibly can.

Normal Mod 450 Engine Oil Change450 Fortwo451 Fortwo452 Roadster453 Fortwo/Forfour454 Forfour

Changing the oil on a smart isn't like most other cars. You can't just undo the sump plug and let it all drain out, the main reason is because it doesn't have a sump plug.You have to adopt the same service technique as used in boats, the oil is sucked out through the...

Premium Mod 450 Exhaust Fitting450 Fortwo

Fit a different exhaust, free up a bit of power and make the smart sound a bit beefier.

Normal Mod 450 External Door Handle Cable Removal450 Fortwo

Remove the Torx30 screw. Lift rubber seal and at the same time wriggle the handle towards the back of the car (about 1/2 cm) then pull outwards. Push the lever towards the front of the car with the white stopper on. Slide back lift off the outer black cable from its...

Normal Mod 450 Filler Flap Removal450 Fortwo

Remove the filler flap to fit a colour coded or after market flap. You may have snapped off the locking tab and need to change it.

Normal Mod 450 Filler Neck Flange450 Fortwo

The rubber boot surrounding the filler neck seals the tridion to stop fluid ingress. Being rubber and being exposed to fuel and stress, they can perish and become damaged.

Premium Mod 450 Floppy Wing Mirrors450 Fortwo

This Page Covers... Floppy mirror hinges. Floppy mirror adjusters. Floppy Mirror Hinges The wing mirrors should sit in a certain position but should fold if forced. However, some people reported that their mirrors just flap about and don't lock. Let's see why....

Normal Mod 450 Fog Light Bulb Change450 Fortwo

The fog light bulbs shouldn’t die too often as they are rarely used but if they do give up you will need to get them fixed for the MOT.

Premium Mod 450 fortwo Belt Change450 Fortwo

This page covers the AC belt and alternator/water pump belt. Air Conditioning Belt Look at the right hand side of the engine. It's not easy to see. Find the tensioner pulley wheel. Use a Torx45 bit to loosen the screw arrowed in the photo below. Push the pulley wheel...