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for all your modding needs, recommended by Evilution

Kane Harrison

Normal Mod 451 Gearbox Controller Pin Out451 Fortwo

Right Connector Gearbox Control Unit Wire Colour Connects To Function 1 Red/Blue SAM Plug 4, Pin 20 Fuse 30 2 Brown Earth Ground 3 Red/Blue SAM Plug 4, Pin 20 Fuse 30 4 Brown Earth Ground 5 - - - 6 - - - 7 Red/Grey SAM Plug 1, Pin 2 (diesel) SAM Plug 5, Pin 11...

Premium Mod 451 Gearbox Controller Removal451 Fortwo

Smart call the gearbox controller is the Sprintshift Module, because marketing nonsense. If you are suffering the 3 bar issue with your 451, there is a possibility it has got wet. Step 1 is to check under the carpet to see if there is any sign of water. Remove the...

Premium Mod 451 Gearbox Fluid Change451 ED451 Fortwo

Fortwo 451 Petrol Non Turbo (Including MHD) The transmission fluid change is similar to that of the older smart fortwo and Roadster. The main difference is the position of the draining hole.  It is now on the right bottom side of the transmission housing. The upper...

Normal Mod 451 Gearbox Motor Removal451 Fortwo

If you have a non turbo model, great, you just need to remove the air inlet pipe to access the gear change motors. If you have the turbo petrol or diesel model, things are a bit more convoluted. Remove the fan, intercooler and scoop. As there are 2 motors, there are 2...

Premium Mod 451 Gearbox Removal451 Fortwo

Chances are, if you are removing the gearbox for some reason, your engine is still in the car. There are pros and cons. The pros is that the engine is easier to steady because at one stage, the engine will be held up by 1 engine mount. The cons is that you have less...

Normal Mod 451 Glovebox Lock Removal451 Fortwo

If you bought a 2nd hand glove box with a lock in it that your key won't operate, you'll have to remove it so you can replace it with one that does. Removing the old one does damage it but who gives a toss. It's going in the bin. Here is the offending glove box lock....

Premium Mod 451 Glow Plug Wiring451 Fortwo

E = Earth
C4/8 = Connection plug 4, pin 8
Fuse* or F* = Direct connection fuse number
Black Yellow = Wire colour

Modules are labeled in the picture.

Normal Mod 451 Handle Removal451 Fortwo

The handle is removed or loosened to aid the removal of the door panel or to gain access to the bowden cables that operate the door catch.

Normal Mod 451 Hatch Not Closing451 Fortwo

Your 451 glass hatch won't latch closed, it just springs back open. There are 4 parts to this mechanism. The main catch is what grabs the loop on the glass hatch as you close it. Spray some penetrating lubricant into the mechanism and manipulate the latch back and...

Normal Mod 451 Headlight Pin Out451 ED451 Fortwo

Nearside Headlight (Left) 6. 5. 4  3. 2. 1. v Pin Number Wire Colours Function Function 1 Brown Headlight Adjuster Ground Chassis earth 2 Green/Red Headlight Adjuster Data Headlight stalk pin 11 3 Grey/Yellow Low Beam & Headlight Adjuster + SAM unit plug 3 pin 6 4...

Normal Mod 451 Headlight Projector Fault451 Fortwo

The Headlight Aims Down And Won't Adjust Up This is very common on the 451 fortwo. The projector becomes loose inside the headlight and because the front of the projector lens is the heaviest part, the dipped beam will aim too far down and no amount of adjustment will...

Premium Mod 451 Heated Seat Retrofit451 Fortwo

There is an easy way and a less easy way to retrofit heatet seats to your 451. It really depends on the year your smart was made. From around 2008 to 2010, smart started to include all the wiring for the heated seats so all you have to do is plug in a few things....

Premium Mod 451 Heated Seat Wiring451 Fortwo

E = Earth
C4/8 = Connection plug 4, pin 8
Fuse* or F* = Direct connection fuse number
Black Yellow = Wire colour

Modules are labeled in the picture.