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Getting to the bottom of stiff steering.Mod Details
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There are a number of reasons your smart could have stiff steering, one of them is a lot more serious than the rest so we will start with that one.
This page covers the following reasons for stiff steering:
Seizing Universal Joints
Failing Power Steering Motor
Worn ball joints
Tyre pressure
Contaminated Steering Rack
Power Steering Fuse Blown
Power Steering Connections Faulty
Contaminated Power Steering Controller
Weak Arms
Failing Power Steering Motor
The generation 1 forfour (454) had issues with failing power steering motors. There’s not much you can do apart from fit a new rack. The Colt Z30 model was the same car so you can get a power steering rack from one of those far cheaper in most cases than one from a forfour. However, before swapping the rack, obviously check everything else as well because a failed motor isn’t the only possibility.
The generation 2 forfour (453) and generation 3 fortwo (453) have also started displaying steering rack failures. The Renault Twingo Mk3 is the same car underneath so there is a possibility that the steering rack is the same although I don’t know for sure. However, before swapping the rack, obviously check everything else as well because a failed motor isn’t the only possibility.
The Steering Is Only Stiff When Driving
This is a common belief. What is happening is that the stiffness is being masked by the power steering but as soon as you get up to 15mph, the power steering turns off. This is how it works. As soon as the assistance turns off, you notice the stiffness of the steering.
Universal Joint Maintenance
Out of all of the problems listed, the seized UJs are the easiest to protect against and the most likely to cause the problem. Maintenance info for the universal joints can be found here.
Worn Ball Joint
There have been a few cases of old smarts (99 to 01) developing stiff steering and a hundred miles down the road the front wheel snaps off. This was down to a faulty ball joint on the front suspension/steering assembly. Smart seem to be replacing these for free so it’s well worth enquiring if you think this may be your problem. All snapped joints have luckily gone during low speedo driving and turning. This isn’t to say that it couldn’t break while you are on the motorway.