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453 Service Schedule

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PremiumNo Difficulty Mod ID1542 Creditevilution For453 Fortwo/Forfour Link Copy to Clipboard

453 Service Schedule – Fortwo, Forfour with turbo and non turbo engine.

A Service (1 Spanner)

Replace cabin filter
Replace engine air filter (Turbo model only)
Change oil and oil filter
Check and correct all tyre pressures
Check all exterior lights for proper operation
Check the operation of the headlight range adjusters
Check and fill the windscreen washer tank
Check speedo lighting and warning lights function correctly
Check emergency tyre sealant is OK and in date
Check first aid bad for expiration

B Service (2 Spanners)

Perform a brake test
Replace cabin filter
Check all visible engine parts for damage and leaks
Replace engine air filter
Change oil and oil filter
Check steering and tie rods
Check front axle and ball joints
Check condition of rear axle
Check condition of suspension springs and shock absorbers
Check belts for visible signs of wear
Check tyre condition for cracks and damage
Check and correct all tyre pressures
Check all exterior lights for proper operation
Check the operation of the headlight range adjusters
Check and fill the windscreen washer tank
Check speedo lighting and warning lights function correctly
Check emergency tyre sealant is OK and in date
Check first aid bad for expiration

First Time After 3 years Then Every 2 Years

Check and correct headlight adjustment
Replace brake fluid

At 50,000 Miles Then Every B Service From That Point Onwards

Check the under side of the vehicle for damage or leaks
Assess condition of brake lining on rear brake shoes

Every 50,000 Miles

Change the spark plugs

Every 75,000 Miles Or 6 Years

Replace coolant

Transmission Fluid

It’s worth noting that, once again, smart do not give a specific service distand or time for replacing the gear box fluid. In the original model smart, they claimed it would never require changing.

That was obviously bullshit and should be ignored.

I would say to replace the transmission fluid every 60,000 miles. Transmission fluid specs can be found here.

Timing Chain

Smart don’t give a chain change schedule. Generally you just fit a new chain when the old one is loose and rattles as the engine is running. Chains “stretch” instead of snap like belts so you have a gradual degradation instead of a sudden failure.

Belt Change

Smart don’t have a schedule for the belts. They get visually checked every service and changed as soon as they show signs of wear.

453 Electric Drive (EQ)

Smart royally screw over electric drive owners when it comes to servicing. Considering there’s no oil, oil filter, air filter, spark plugs, V-belt or valve adjustment to be changed, they actually charge more to service an electric drive than they do to service a standard petrol model. Originally smart stated that electric drive servicing would be cheap at under £100 but…

…I was quoted £270 for a single service. If you buy the smart service plan you can bring that down to £156 per service in the UK. US and Canada can work out to be cheaper. I guess that smart dealers weren’t interested in earning less money so decided to take the piss.

Own Or Rent The HV Battery?

If you own the battery, great. You can do whatever you want. Service the car yourself.

If you are still renting the battery, check your documentation for the rental agreement as there is a chance that they have screwed you in the small print and will insist that you have it serviced at smart. If you don’t, the warranty on your HV battery may be affected.

If you are renting, consider contacting smart to see if you can buy it outright. The full purchase option was announced in 2017 and gives you a set guarantee for the battery.

What Needs Servicing And When?

Service 1
20,000 km
12,000 miles
or Year 1
Service 2
40,000 km
24,000 miles
or Year 2
Service 3
60,000 km
36,000 miles
or Year 3
Service 4
80,000 km
48,000 miles
or Year 4
Service 5
100,000 km
60,000 miles
or Year 5
Service 6
120,000 km
72,000 miles
or Year 6
Service 7
140,000 km
84,000 miles
or Year 7
Service 8
160,000 km
96,000 miles
or Year 8
Cabin Pollen Filter Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Key Battery Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Brake Fluid Change Every Two Years
Battery Desiccant Cartridge Change Every Two Years
Washer Fluid Replenish Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Check Motor & Transmission
For Damage & Defective Mounts
Check All High Voltage Lines Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Check High Voltage Battery Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Coolant Level Y Y Y Y Y Y
Tyre Pressures Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Brake Pads Front Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Brake Shoes Rear Y Y
Reset Maintenance Counter. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

You can do all of this yourself with the exception of the HV battery check. If you have MB Star Diagnostics, you can do this test easily. The only thing you can’t do is perform any updates to the software that smart might have.

HV Battery Check

Click here to see the information.