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If you have a leak in your radiator, fit a new one, don’t rely on fluids like RadWeld.
Changing the front coolant radiator is easy but actually getting to it is a long task. If you don’t have air conditioning, it’ll be the only time that you are glad that you don’t.
Accessing The Coolant Radiator
Remove the air conditioning radiator.
Removing The Coolant Radiator
The photo below shows the AC rad swung out of the way but in reality, this would be off the car. The coolant radiator has 2 pipes connected to it, 1 top right and 1 bottom left.

The clips used to hold these pipes in place are 1 shot deals so when you mangle them with a screwdriver as you lever them open, you will have to replace them with new pipe clips. A pair of good quality Jubilee clips are ideal.
Once the pipes are disconnected and you have emptied the remaining torrent of coolant from your shoes, the radiator simply pulls out from the frame that it is held in with.
With the new radiator fitted, the AC radiator back in place (if you had one), the frame, crash bar and headlights back in place you can refill the coolant and then go to a local garage and get the AC re-gassed. I have been sent some more photos to go with this page. I’ll add them soon.