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No Alignment Steering Wheel Change

Mod Description
The ESP cartridge on the 450 and Roadster can be annoying and tricky when you change the wheel.
Mod Details
PremiumYes Difficulty Mod ID753 Creditevilution For450 Fortwo452 Roadster Link Copy to Clipboard

I’ve done it, so others must have done it too, you want to upgrade your steering wheel from a 2 spoke to a 3 spoke paddle steering wheel or from a 3 spoke paddle wheel to the awesome Brabus V6 steering wheel. You find one on eBay, battle for it, win it and take a chance only to find out that the ESP cartridge can’t be aligned. With no alignment you get a load of warning lights on and no safety systems.

Previously you would either have to concede defeat and go back to your old steering wheel or attempt to swap the ESP cartridge over. This has a whole bunch of problems by itself. What if you remove it, fit it to the new steering wheel to find out it has become faulty during the move?

Allowing the cartridge to move when it is unplugged from the car can cause irreversible damage.

My Story

I bought a Brabus V6 Raid steering wheel with an untested ESP cartridge, I was happy to take a chance for the low price I paid. When it arrived, the cartridge was smashed (during heavy handed delivery) and all the locating tabs were broken off. I got busy with the glue and hoped for the best.

I went down to Chequered Flag in Strood and let them fit and align the wheel but no matter what they tried, it wouldn’t align. I didn’t give up as I really wanted that wheel on my car but I didn’t want to damage the only ESP cartridge that I had left.

After having a little brainwave, I went out and tested an idea. I’m glad to say it worked. I now have a V6 wheel working with no alignment required and no disconnecting the ESP cartridge.

Here’s How I Did It

Disconnect the battery, remove the speedo (450, Roadster) and all the surrounding plastic.


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